Thursday, March 25, 2010

la joie de vivre

It all boils down to la joie de vivre....

Ahh...the French.

I just got done watching Jessica Simpson's The Price of Beauty (in case you're also a fan, yes it aired a while back but I just saw it though Tvo). Anyway, the premise is beauty at what cost in various countries. The last episode was in France. Of course, there was the stereotypical bathing in wine, eating disorders, putting down Americans, and oh-la-la "la joie de vivre". haha.

As much as I love the concept, I think its BS. I have a theory that the French all secretly take an oath they do what they do and keep it to themselves. lol. Bien oui, c'est simple...they proclaim. That is why they all hated that French author who wrote, French women don't get fat. Yes, I read it, own the book, and am a fan. However, its not as simple as loving life-it's self-control. Its being conscious about what one eats. Anyway, whatever. No real point to this, just think they are so funny!

Yes, so far this blog isn't very PC..oops.

What else can I say....well yay for the Health care reform bill being passed (yes, a few days later..)!!! We are finally entering civilization, America! :)


  1. Screw PC! It's your blog you get to say what you want. :)
    Yeah, you're right that's is really just about being conscious about what you're eating. So many times when I'm eating I just need to tell myself to slow down and just really taste and focus what's in my mouth, not the next bite. It's not joie de vivre, in fact most French people I've met are usually making faces at one thing or another.
    Anyways, as much as I like France and after many years of vacationing there I've pretty much come to the conclusion that most of them have a lot of pride and ego and think their culture is superior to any other most of the time. Oh well, guess I'm not exactly PC either!

  2. Yes, Tessa I agree! The French are quite egotistical, to say the least. lol. Although, I hate to admit-I do like a lot of things in their culture. lol.

    Thanks for the support in being Un-pc! lol. I'm 25. I can say whatever I want, right? haha. ;)
